Hello Johns Creek High School Families,
The front office and the attendance office are in need of volunteers. Shift times and responsibilities are as follows:
Attendance office volunteers assist with checking students in and out of school and keeping track of attendance information. Shift times are from 8am-1130am or 1130am-3pm.
Front office volunteers assist with answering the questions of students and visitors, providing students with forms, and monitoring the front door. Shift times are 9am-11:30am or 11:30am to 2pm.
In order to volunteer, you will need to complete the online mandatory reporting safety training as well as agree to the confidentiality guidelines.
Please email either Karen or Helen if you are interested.
We have really enjoyed helping the school in this capacity and hope you will join us. If you have any further questions please do not hesitate to contact us.
Helen Villar villar.jchs@hotmail.com
Karen Berry karenbirkhead@yahoo.com